Sunday, April 26, 2009

Joyeux Noël (Merry Christmas)

All of my classes will soon be learning at least a bit about World War I, or, the Great War, as it was called.

One of my favorite movies takes place on the embattled Western Front, the 600 mile battle-scarred strip that stretched from the English Channel to the Swiss Alps. The Western Front was marked by a new kind of fighting: trench warfare. Instead of the open battlefields of wars past, soldiers on either side would dig trenches and foxholes, where they would often spend several cold and muddy months.

This movie, Joyeux Noël, depicts the fabled Christmas of 1914, as it was on the Western Front. This film not only does a good job of showing just how terrible the Great War was and the kind of toll the trenches took on men from all sides, but it also tells a great story of how even the worst of "enemies" can come together for something as holy and sacred as Christmas: especially if they're not even sure what they are fighting for.

This will start on pt. 1 of the film, and if you just let it play, it should play the movie in its entirity. Enjoy!

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