Friday, February 20, 2009

Oregon Trail--8th & 11th Grades

So, when I was in 7th grade, I couldn't wait for Thursdays, because that was the day we went to the computer lab. Of course, the computer lab was not anything like it would be today: we didn't even have internet. But, we did get to do things like type our names, make banners with our names on them, or turn the computer on and off and on again.

Not only did we get to type seven letters at a time and get to push "the" button, we also got to play awesome games. No, not games like GTA 4, Tiger Woods 2009, or Shadow of the Colossus. These were good games. Classic games. Games with horrible graphics, and an educational theme. Games like MathBlaster, WordBlaster, DinoPark Tycoon, and I believe a universal favorite: Oregon Trail.

Oregon Trail is awesome, simple, and very educational. Believe it or not, everyone my age used to love playing Oregon Trail. For this reason, I'm going to make you play Oregon Trail. For extra points.

Here are the rules: follow the link at the bottom of this post to play the game. You can't use a mouse, because we didn't have those back then, so you control everything by typing stuff in. Play the game, see how far you can get without everyone dying, then leave a comment on this post with your Name, Grade, Section, and your high score and final position in the game.

Here's a hint: hunt a lot, fjord the rivers, and start out with more than 50 pounds of food.


Monday, February 16, 2009

44 presidents made easy.

So, for my 8th and 11th grade classes, you may find the following video helpful. It may be lame, but you have to admit: it is catchy.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

8th Grade Test Monday!

Remember to study for your test! It will cover what we've learned from chapters 9 & 10, pages 165-187.

Also, there will be bonus points for anyone that can list the first 10 presidents of the United States, in order. The last of the 10 would be John Tyler. You can find this information in your book.

Country Summaries [7th Grade]

For this assignment, I want you to read pages 166-174 in your book. This reading covers six different countries or regions in Europe, and how the Reformation affected each one.

Then, I want you to write 6 summaries, one for each country, about what you read. So, you should have a summary for Switzerland, the Netherlands, France, Scandinavia, Spain, and Portugal. Each summary should be one long paragraph long, and should cover all the major points in your reading.

This assignment is due Tuesday, Feb. 17, in the locker. It is worth 200 pts.

Mr. Nathan

Assignment and Test Next Wednesday [ 11th Grade ]

Here is the assignment I gave you Wednesday:

Answer the following questions from the different section reviews:

p. 234: #1
p. 238: #2-4, 10, 12
p. 241: #1-5
p. 243: #1, 4
p. 252: #3-11
p. 254: #1-5

This is due Tuesday morning, Feb. 17, in the locker. You should also study the material covered in these questions, as well as the two reviews you did for Chapter 11, for the exam on Wednesday, Feb. 18. We will review on Tuesday.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

First Post

Okay, students, this is my blog for you. I made this blog to help you keep up with assignments, and also just to share some cool things with you. Make sure you check this often, because it's very likely there will be some bonus assignments posted that I may not announce in class. Sometimes I will post questions for discussion, and give grades for your comments. So start checking in to my neighborhood!

In the meantime, check out this crazy video about ants. Who knew they had whole cities under there?